sobota, 19 czerwca 2010


an6j3538 What should an average European citizen in any given EU country know about politics when graduating from a secondary (high) school?
What should an average European citizen in any given EU country know about politics from a secondary (high) school?
1)european average ending school should know which is financed by means of the European Union and the general rules concerning the grant funds to individual European Union countries.
2)european average ending school should know what the president has the powers and responsibilities.
3) european average ending school should know that the politicians in his country is a MEP
4) European average ending school should know what are the bodies of the European Union and what they do.
5)european average ending school should know names of presidents, at least in the countries of the European Union and most major countries around the world
6)european average ending school should know where the headquarters of the European Parliament
7) European average ending school should know who is the president in his home country
8)european average ending school should know which party is the ruling party who takes the her head, which has duties and powers
Dorota Anuszkiewicz 3538 VIJ

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