poniedziałek, 31 maja 2010


What an average European citizen should know about politics after completion of secondary school?

Our continent – Europe- is very various and politically colourful. However there are some points that should be common among education of average European citizen. Some elementary knowledge that should be obvious for every student after completion of secondary school.
First of all he or she should be aware of elementary historical background of European Union. When it was established, what were their first aims and which countries were founders of EU. Furthermore, the students should be thought something about basic political systems among European countries as the UE main institutions. Every single student has to be aware of his citizenship rights and freedoms. He should be aware how important is his participation in elections of representatives as on country as on EU level. They should be taught about basic rights that means freedom of travelling and freedom of expressing their own ideas.
Nonetheless, every student should have elementary knowledge about economical aspects of UE and importance of our cultural heritage and diversity. It would be good to preset also a importance of our common European future and the possible development of every single country within European Union. That means, among others, explanation of activities of EU institutions and our possible influence on their activities.
To sum up, every young European, should be aware of his citizenship in Europe, aware of his rights and freedoms as much as responsibilities in developing our continent trough participation in elections and every other possible activities. The future of Europe depends on how we realize that it lays in our hands.


What should an average European citizen in any given EU country know about politics when graduating from a secondary (high) school?
1. An average European citizen graduating from a secondary school should know that he or she lives in a free democratic country, Member State of the European Union, and he or she has a right to directly influence shape of politics by participating in direct elections.
2. Moreover, in my opinion, such a person should know basic facts of history of European Union – that it has formally come to existence on 1st of November 1993 on the strength of Maastricht Treaty, as a democratic economic and political union of democratic European states, resulting from many years’ process of political, economic and social integration launched after the Second World War, and that it is a unique form of this kind, having a 30% share in world’s GNP.
3. Such a person should know that the European Union constitutes a „special case” in history of international affairs; it is a being which has never before existed in world history and has been previously unknown in history of international affairs.
4. At the same time this person should know that the country in which he or she lives and resides, despite its membership in the EU, is a sovereign state with its own tradition, culture and internal policy. Such a person should also know shape of his or hers state policy and its organisational structures, as well as its political history.


The average European ending high school in the UE should know:

European Union is a new type of association between the countries.
It respect the national identities of members, their costumes, stories, traditions and culture.
According the European Union Treat signed in 1992 fundamental goals are

• promoting economic and social progress by tightening cooperation and elimination trade barriers between foreign policy;
• conducting to create a European citizenship and sense of belonging to the one community by providing the same legal norms and full migration of people on European Union area;
• introducing common social and legal standards and putting constant with standard of living of the poorest countries;
• unifying economic structures all members, leveling progress in particular regions;
• increasing life standards;
To provide functioning UE, their countries appointed special organs, which work with different activities of Union and accept their law.
They are :
• European Parliament (represent people from UE)
• European Council (represent governments);
• Commission UE (represent both affairs UE)


1. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania is now almost 600 thousand of the capital of independent Lithuania, the young city, full of life rapidly growing industry.
2. Official language Lithuanian.
3. Currency - the ruble has been, in 1991 introduced its own currency point = 100 cents.
4. The population is mostly Lithuanians, except that the Russians and Poles.
5. There are many beautiful historic churches such as the Cathedral, Gates of Dawn in Vilnius Gothic city gate in the Old Town, and the Rossa cemetery is one of four national necropolis. There is the tomb of his mother Mary and the heart of Marshal Jozef Pilsudski.
6. In Lithuania there are 15 political parties.
7.The mayor of Vilnius is a lot of order and justice, and a Pole for the first time in history has been deputy mayor.
8. Lithuania is a member of NATO and the European Union.
9.Lithuania is currently President Dalia Grybauskaite, and Prime Minister Andrus Kubilis.


1. Lithuania is one of the countries bordering the Baltic Sea, bordering with Russia, Polish, Belarus and Latvia.
2. The area of Lithuania is 65 300 km sq.
3. The capital is Vilnius with about 533 900 inhabitants (2008)
4. Climate: sea-continental, average winter temperature - 4.9 degrees C in summer + 17 ° C
5. The largest cities are Kaunas (368.900), Klaipėda (201.800), Siauliai (133.900), Panavežys (119.000), Alytus (71.600), Marijampole (52.100 )
6. The official language is Lithuanian, which belongs to the Indo-European language family and is one of the most archaic in the world.
7. The territory of Lithuania is divided into 10 districts, 60 municipalities.
8. Lithuanian Litas (LTL) 1 Lt = 100 cents.
9. deputowanych. Legislative body is the parliament (Sejm), numbering 141 deputies.
10. The head of state is the president elected by direct suffrage. The president appoints the Head of Government - Prime Minister, whose candidacy then approved by parliament. Lithuania is currently President Dalia Grybauskaite, and Prime Minister Andrus Kubilis. The government includes 13 ministers. Currently Lithuania is President Dalia Grybauskaite, and Prime Minister Andrus Kubilis.
11. In Lithuania there are 15 political parties.
12. The first mention of Lithuania from 14 February 1009, but the Lithuanian state was established only in the century XIII . In the fourteenth century, the then Grand Duchy of Lithuania was the largest country in Europe in 1386 entered into relationship with the Polish, which in 1569 turned into a sustainable real union ( Union of Lublin ). In the years 1795-1918, Lithuania was under Russian sovereignty. In 1918 he founded the independent Republic of Lithuania , which in 1940 was forcibly transformed into a republic of the Soviet Union . March 11, 1990 Lithuania announced its declaration of independence


UE is ihe community of 27 europen countrys. Each of the members has an own gouverment and the self support ecconomics. The union was started in 1993 as a small community of a few westerm countrys including Germany,France and Belgium. At the beginin the nations wanted to share some parts of trade such as airon and coal trade. during meny years the union was growing up. In 1993 the members of UE decided to open the borders,and finaly make one political and ecconomical area. Now days countrys are totaly connected in regard to trade, citizens movement,ellections and education system. In 2004 Poland together with nine other countries became a new member of Europen Union. Since this time,for six years,polish ecconomics becomes stronger and more efficient.

sobota, 29 maja 2010


A middle school graduate in Europe should have some basic knowledge about politics. Here are some examples of what the student should acknowledge:

- The student ought to know which the primary political parties are and what political objectives they represent.
- The graduate should know the history of collaboration between countries and their past military engagements.
- Knowing what the world's main political blocks are is also essential.
-Being able to distinguish what is best for the well -being of mankind in terms of
avoiding international conflicts, religious feudes and also being acquainted with environmental issues and globalisation.
- The person in question should be familiar with the structure of the European Union and also recognize the work of the European Parliament Committee.
- The individual should sustain basic information on what the definition of democracy is, in addition to knowing the difference between it and other forms of government.
- The student should also comprehend the general history of the world as well as be familiar with mankind's most significant achievements.
- He/she also ought to know who the political leader of his/her own country is, for example President or Prime Minister.
- Being aware and having some fundamental knowledge of the bordering and neighbouring countries is also necessary, if you are a student graduate.



What EU student leaving secondary school should know about politics?

• Heritage of peoples - the values, symbols and monuments of culture, important facts about the history own country and EU countries.
• Name all countries EU. Economic Policy, Financial and Commercial EU and its impact on the policies of the Member States. The structures of the European Union.
• International relations in EU
• The Constitution and its role in nowadays.
• Political systems. Types of political systems. Parties, party systems and their impact on the functioning of the state.
• System of state bodies. Sejm and Senate (organizational structure, mechanisms of action, competence). Executive power and legislative power. The system of sources of law in Poland.
• Human rights in nowadays. Rights and civil liberties.
• Government agencies, institutions and public authorities.
• Polish neighbors.


The European Union is regarded as an economic and political union. There are twenty-seven member countries that belong to the EU.
The European Union has developed a single market, the system of laws which exists in all member stats.
There are some important institutions of the EU:
- the European Commission
- the Council of the EU
- the Court of Justice of the EU
- the European Central Bank
- the European Parliament
The European Parliament is elected every fire years by member states citizens.
There are three political centers of the EU:
Brussels, Luxembourg, Strasbourg. Jose Manuel Barroso is the leader of the commission..
The of ministers is located in Spain. Herman Van Rompuy is the leader European council. The leader of parliament is Jerzy Buzek. A common currency is the euro, constituting the Euronone. Ode to Joy is the anthem of the EU.


The European Union is a family of democratic European countries. They work together for peace an prosperity. It IS said Hat the European Union is unique. ITS Member States have set up common institutions. They delegate there some of their sovereignty so that decision can be made democratically at European level. This specific sovereignty we also call “European integration”
There are fire the EU institutions. Each of them is playing a specific role:
The European Parliament is elected by people of the Member States.
The Council of the EU represents the governments of the Member States.
The European Commission is regarded as driving force.
The Court of Justice is responsible for the law.
The Court of Auditors is responsible for controlling sound and lawful management of the EU budget . Poland became a member of the EU on lst May 2004.

Ending at an average european school in any contry of the European Union should know about the policy:
1.above all should know what is politics and the people and not improve their material welfare and social status,
2.should know which factions are divded political world;they are Democrats,Republicans,Social Democrats and leftists and for what rhey tell;
3.Young person should know what the main groups active in his home country and who is their leader;
4.should know what it is and what the European Union countries are the participants;
5.should know what is the goal of European Union policy and its main assumptions.


After the completion of high school, an educated European should know that the European Union (EU) is an economic and political organization consisting of 27 member countries located in Europe. It operates basing on treaties (agreements under international law made by international organizations and sovereign states). The treaties formulate the EU to act as a representative democracy based on “the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities”.
The young European should be aware of important institutions of the EU such as European Commission, the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Central Bank.
The young graduate of high school should know that the purpose of designing the EU was to enhance economic and political integration by creating a common currency and common citizenship rights, a unified foreign and security policy as well as accelerating the cooperation in the areas of judicial affairs, immigration and asylum.


After completing secondary school most of the UE students go to colleges or universities. Secondary school should give them a general knowledge about members of the EU, including Poland.
Poland is the largest of the East European countries which joined the EU in 2004. It is bordered by Germany, the Check Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Kaliningrad Oblast. Poles as nation are unified by the Polish language and a common religion – Roman Catholicism.
The establishment of a Polish state is often identified with the adoption of Christianity by its ruler Mieszko I in 966. The kingdom of Poland was formed in 1025. In the 18th century Poland s territory was partitioned among the Kingdom of Prussia, the Russian Empire and Austria. Poland regained its independence in 1918, but was later occupied by Nazi Germany and the soviet Union during World War II. In 1989 it became the first Eastern European country to overthrow communist rule. Poland joined NATO in 1999 and it increased its profile on the international stage by joining the U.S. led military campaign in Iraq. On April 10, 2010, the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Kaczyński, among with 89 other high-ranking Polish officials died in a plane crash near Smolensk in Russia.
Polish literature dates back to the 12th century and includes many famous poets and writers such as Jan Kochanowski, Adam Mickiewicz, Julian Słowacki, Bolesław Prus, Witold Gombrowicz, Stanislaw Lem, Ryszard Kapuściński. Writers Henryk Sienkiewicz, Władysław Reymont, Czesław Miłosz and Wisława Szymborska were awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.
Poland is the birthplace of some world famous philosophers, including Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski, Jan Śniadecki, Stanisław Staszic, Hugo Kołłątaj, Józef Szaniawski and scientists, including Tytus Chałubiński, Maria Curie_Skłodowska ( the first woman awarded the Nobel Prize for physics), Ignacy Łukasiewicz, Ignacy Domeyko.
The polish music for most people associates with the most famous polish composer and pianist Frederic Chopin.
Polish tourist sights which have already gained a worldwide reputation, are Warszawa, Kraków, Gdańsk, Auschwits concentration camp, Tatra Mountains, Poland’s Mazury lake district and Białowieża Forest.
To sum up, Poland is a stable democratic country with fascinating history, great heritage and several areas of outstanding natural beauty.


What should an average European citizen in any given EU country know about politics from a secondary (high) school?

7 February 1992 r. became signed treaty from Maastricht, on power
which 1 November 1993 r. came into being European Union. it in Maastricht it was widened was the range of common economic policy and one worked out the schedule of introduction of union economically monetary.
The more faintly developed regions and sectors of economies of the member's states across help were aimed to decrease in level of development and in level of life the differences in regions of UE.
The foreign policy, policy was strengthened in range of internal safety and co-operation the safety as well as co-operation administrative the member's states formally.
Enlargement economic cohesion is the main aim of policy and social in European union.
To increase the activity of students in political life, the need for some changes, namely, the phenomenon should exist to support civic initiatives by the staff of the ruling, building specific models, authority worthy of imitation, activating more resources to develop these areas of policy that affect the daily lives of young people and improve its quality. Young people if they find their place in politics, get out of it completely.
One of the main things to know about politics is the political system and branches of political power - legislative, executive and judiciary.
Finally, he should know basic things about European Union like its institutions and its functions.


7 February 1992 r. became signed treaty from Maastricht, on power which 1 November 1993 r. came into being European Union. it in Maastricht it was widened was the range of common economic policy and one worked out the schedule of introduction of union economically monetary. The foreign policy, policy was strengthened in range of internal safety and co-operation the safety as well as co-operation administrative the member's states formally.
Enlargement economic cohesion is the main aim of policy and social in European union. The more faintly developed regions and sectors of economies of the member's states across help were aimed to decrease in level of development and in level of life the differences in regions of UE.
The deficit of resources the expenses of UE be intended on refinancing the fields in which it steps out.
is the basis of common foreign policy and safety of UE "gentle strength ”: the use of diplomacy, in case of necessity supported with trade resources, and missions peaceful help, in aim of solution of conflicts and the bringing of to international agreement.



European Union is the effect of many years' process of political, economic and social, integration she came into being 1 November 1993 year. It is then created on power of treaty the relationship of European states from Maastricht. European union consists with 27 member's states. The countries of European union have the together highest on world national product brutto. They Should be free, independent, sovereign and democratic European state can become the member of European Union. Union assures safety, stable economic growth, social development, say protection and citizen's freedom. Enlargement economic cohesion and social union is the main aim of policy European. It aims to decrease in level of development and life the differences across help more faintly the developed regions. They are the the most important organs of European Union: Glad European, the Advice of European Union, European Committee, European Parliament and Court of Justice Account.


JA6j3496 What is the average european school ending in any European Unions country should now about politics?

"The future of Europe depends on the youth: why young Europeans, ending high school in any country of the European Union should make best use of their potential and knowledge acquired at university. Promoting the potential of young people is a long term investment in European structure.
Nowadays, when the political power is actually democratically elected will of all citizens, the role of politicians and their impact on people's lives significantly higher, while the citizens may participate actively in political decisions. Human existence is conditioned by the existence of a permanent policy in the social life - its impact on the structure and form of life: interpersonal relations and international life in the various ethnic and religious groups, etc. In the era of increasing globalization, there is a perception that it may be due to a combination of forces and resources
Knowledge of a young man on European policies is primarily the area of political action for employment in all EU countries and the dismantling of barriers to migration, this fact seems to me the most important these days for students, because often even in our country is very difficult to get a good job. Next, make best use of EU funds. Thanks to massive information reaching us through television, radio, internet deepened our knowledge is the current political news. Young people should understand the meaning of integration, should have knowledge about the status of organs and institutions. Knowledge of the student should also intervene in areas concerning the rights and changes resulting from EU membership in force in his country.
To increase the activity of students in political life, the need for some changes, namely, the phenomenon should exist to support civic initiatives by the staff of the ruling, building specific models, authority worthy of imitation, activating more resources to develop these areas of policy that affect the daily lives of young people and improve its quality. Young people if they find their place in politics, get out of it completely.

piątek, 28 maja 2010


First of all, in this days young people should know something about The European Union or EU that is an international organisation of European states, established by the Treaty on European Union (the Maastricht treaty). The European Union is the most powerful regional organization in existence. At present, the European Union comprises 27 member states. European Union policies are divided into three main areas, called pillars. The first or 'Community' pillar concerns economic, social and environmental policies. The second or 'Common Foreign and Security Policy' (CFSP) pillar concerns foreign policy and military matters. The third or 'Justice and Home Affairs' (JHA) pillar concerns co-operation in the fight against crime. The three communities, and the three pillars possess a common institutional structure. The European Union has five institutions: European Parliament, European Commission, European Court of Justice (incorporating the Court of First Instance), Council of the European Union, European Court of Auditors.
Secondly young people should know something about political system in each country for example at present, seven monarchies are members of the European Union: Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. All seven monarchies in the European Union are constitutional monarchies, which means that the monarch does not influence the politics of the monarch's country. There are three types of government systems in European politics: in a presidential system, the president is the head of state and the head of government; in a semi-presidential system, the president and the prime minister share a number of competences; finally, in a parliamentary system, the president is a ceremonial figurehead who has few political competences. As with the definition of constitutional monarchies, sometimes the president does have non-ceremonial competences, but does not use them by constitutional convention; this is the case in Austria, for instance.
Thirdly and for me it is the most important thing young people should know something about Schengen Area system. The Schengen rules were absorbed into European Union (EU) law by the Amsterdam Treaty in 1999, although the area includes three non-EU member states: Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland. Since the implementation of the Schengen rules, border posts have been closed (and often entirely removed) between participating countries. The Schengen Borders Code requires participating states to remove all obstacles to free traffic flow at internal borders.Thus, road, rail and air passengers no longer have their identity checked by border guards when crossing borders (however, security controls by carriers are still permissible). So we can travel around all the europe without any obstacles meet new people and share with them our culture and history.

ko6j3539What should an average graduate of high school in any European Union country know about politics?

An average European who graduates from high school should have some knowledge on different topics. For example, he should know something about politics.

One of the main things to know about politics is the political system and branches of political power - legislative, executive and judiciary.

It is also important to know the names of the leading parties in the country, their leaders and who the president is.

Another thing to know about politics is the right to vote. A person who finishes high school is adult and should know that it is his civic duty.

Finally, he should know basic things about European Union like its institutions and its functions.
Renata Kolasińska

an6j3538 What should an average European citizen in any given EU country know about politics when graduating from a secondary (high) school?

What should an average European citizen in any given EU country know about politics from a secondary (high) school?
1)european average ending school should know which is financed by means of the European Union and the general rules concerning the grant funds to individual European Union countries.
2)european average ending school should know what the president has the powers and responsibilities.
3) european average ending school should know that the politicians in his country is a MEP
4) European average ending school should know what are the bodies of the European Union and what they do.
5)european average ending school should know names of presidents, at least in the countries of the European Union and most major countries around the world
6)european average ending school should know where the headquarters of the European Parliament
7) European average ending school should know who is the president in his home country
8)european average ending school should know which party is the ruling party who takes the her head, which has duties and powers


Everyone who graduated high school knows that Treaty of Maastricht was entry into force on 1st November 1993 and created European Union.
Treaty of European Community and Treaty of European Union reffered main EU intensions, based on the pillar structure. The European Union is composed of 27 sovereign Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. EU anthem is the "Ode to Joy" theme, from Ludwig van Beethoven's 9th Symphony.
EU formed The Council which is the principal decision-making institution, The European Parliament which is the directly elected parliamentary institution, The European Commission is the executive body, The Court of Justice is the institution which encompasses the whole judiciary, The Court of Auditors is professional external investigatory audit agency and has the full power to audit finances of the whole of the EU.
The main EU function is to organize a proper cooperation between its members and their populations. EU is community of common business and dependency which leads their citizens to welfare and development.

czwartek, 27 maja 2010


1) The President is head of state and its main representative both in the country and abroad.
2) The President is elected by the people every five years.
3) The President has many responsibilities:
- he has control over the armed forces,
- he appoints many officials (for example judges or ambassadors),
- he shapes foreign policy,
- he ratifies international agreements,
- he has the right to veto,
- he can also dissolve the Seym or grant a pardon.
4) The President should always stand above party politics.
5) The Council of Minister is the executive branch which is headed by the Prime Minister. The members of the Cabinet are the ministers of the interior, finance, education, defence, justice, ect.
6) The local government system is based on the territorial division of the country into 16 provinces. The representatives of the local communities are called councillors.


1) Today Poland is a democratic republic governed by the people.
2) The constitution guarantees the equality of citizens rights and freedom in all aspects of public and private life.
3) The political system in Poland is a parliamentary democracy, which means that Poles can choose their representatives to Parliament in free elections.
4) The Parliament is divided into two houses: the Seym and Senate. The Senate is the lower house of Parliament. It consists of 460 members who are elected for four years. The Senate, the upper house, is smaller (100 senators) but higher in rank. The two groups of elected politicians make the laws of the country.
5) The Seyn and the Senate from the National Assembly, a body which formally approves the election of the President.

sz6j 3541

We have committed ourselves to building good relations with our neighbours. We have improved our relations with Germany and Russia. In co-operation with our partners in Central and Eastern Europe, we have made our voice not just heard but also heeded in the process of creating EU policy. The positive economic results of the last few years – the fact that Poland is the only European country that has not fallen into recession – have strengthened Poland’s global position.
Today, Poland is attracting the attention of other nations not for its romantic heroism, but for the resourcefulness, inventiveness and industriousness of its people. Poles are no longer “a great national banner”, as Norwid used to say, but rather an increasingly well-organised civil society.
We will counteract the restriction of policies financed by the EU budget, particularly the cohesion policy and the mechanisms of the Common Agricultural Policy.
Polish diplomacy has been seeking regulations of this kind. These efforts were crowned with the recent success of Prime Minister Donald Tusk at the European Council devoted to the Europe 2020 economic strategy. Poland managed to achieve all of its goals, namely to emphasise the due importance of the cohesion policy and agricultural policy in the Strategy, to highlight the need for infrastructure investment and to take into account the different levels of development amongst member countries when implementing the Strategy.
The participation of a Polish expert in the group drafting the Alliance’s new strategy is an affirmation of our position within NATO.
The 30th anniversary this year of the establishment of Solidarity will offer a further opportunity to honour the movements for freedom in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The motto: “No freedom without Solidarity” conveys a universal message.
We want our partners to perceive Poland as a country that is not only modern, but also rooted in the world’s heritage. At the world EXPO in Shanghai we will present Poland as a country with a robust and modern economy, successfully operating as part of the European single market.

Du 3612 VIJ

Politics plays a cruciate part in our lives, one of the main problems is lack of participation young people in democratic processes:local, national and global.
People should be tought government and politics in a school settings. They should discuss current events, political figures current and historical, the values of principles of leaders, they should have some idea about society relations between people and environment, rules norms and expectations in day to day interactions. Young people should follow current affairs use media to keep up with issues and be inspired to get out there and change the world. Development of European Union depends on local government policy and it should be everybodys right as citizens to be involved.

środa, 26 maja 2010


Politics is an important factor, which forms citizens life. At the secendary school it’s a subject which is very often discuss during history lessons. When young European has finished the secendary school he should know little information about politics. I consider that the most important information, which a teenager should know is names of individual presidents of European countries. In my opinion young European should know the governmental system of his country. He should also know who is the Prime Minister and foreign Minister. There are few countries that practice monarchical where usually a king or a queen is a head of state. A pupil should know that example of such a country is United Kingom of Great Britain with Queen Elizabeth II.
Nowdays the European Union is a popular subject. Teenage person should know a few major facts connected with the European Union. I think the examples are:
- When the European Union was established,
- Member states of the European Union,
- The main purpose of the the European Union,
- The date of accession one’s country to the European Union.
I think the young man, who has graduated finished secendary education should follow current events about politics. He should also know news from the country and abroad.


* continuation
*-united europe ideas
*-union's targets
* -european community competencies
* -European uninon's first pillar
*-european union's second pillar
* -european union's third pillar
* -EU's institutions and bodies
* -community and eu law
* -eu law principles
* -eu geography
* -eu citizens
* -eu membership
* -short history of European integration
* -eu economy
*-europe's government
*-eu society
* -euro establishment
*-euro graphic sign
* -eu community law principles and eu functioning principle
*-eu membership countries and eu countries
* eu country whole area
* -who is the current chairman of parliament
* -who is the current chairman of Council of Europe
* -current chairman of commision
* -political centers
* -how common foreign and security politis operates
* -how cooperation operates in issues of law and police
*membership countries sovereignty

Gl 3583 VIJ

I believe that teenagers should be more aware of what is going on in politics in general, not only locally but nationally or even more from the European Union perspective. Teachers should take the responsibility of passing knowledge to students regarding the benefits of joining the European Union. I also believe that students should have a voice on the laws being passed as the youth voice is important as they represent the new generation of leaders. Joining the European Union has many benefits which everyone should be aware of as well as exercises their rights as an individual belonging to this community of countries. Poland has seen the benefits of joining the European Union and these benefits will be passed on from new generations to come.

Gl 3584 VIJ

Every since Poland joined the European Union, our country has seen many changes. More of the changes that we have seen are very positive which I believe will flourish in the years to come. The Polish youth must be aware of the benefits that each individual has from joining the European Union. Awareness and passing on the knowledge should be given more importance. These tasks should be taken seriously by educators and parents whom are responsible in molding the values and knowledge of our youth. The youth is the hope of our counry and it is our responsibility to educate them of their rights as an individual whom is part of the European Union. Our countries success lies in our young generation.

wtorek, 25 maja 2010


I think the best idea is to ask that by means of another questions.
• First of all. What is European Union? The European Union is an economic an political union between 27 member countries.
• What is a republic? A republic is a country that is run by government elected by the people, with the head of state also being elected and not necessarily permanent, unlike a king or a queen.
Another important questions:
• How is your country governed?
• Who is the prime minister of your country?
• Which is the strongest political party of your country?
• Which political party suffered defeat in the last elections in your country?
• Does your country do business with foreign countries?
• Finally. What is the name of the representative for your town in the government of your country?

poniedziałek, 24 maja 2010


Each EU student leaving secondary school in the frame of politics
should know a lot about European Union itself. He should know why EU
was developed - to gain peace and stability. It was changing dreams in
the minds of philosophers into a real political objective. He should
know ten historical steps from 1950 to 2007 when EU became community
of 27 countries. He should be able to name these countries. He should
know about powers of decision making bodies: the European Parliament,
the Council of EU and the European Commission. He should also know
about profits from single market and monetary union. He should
understand fundamental and political rights of the EU citizen, f.e.
the right to travel, work, and study and live in each country of EU or
right to vote in local elections in his country of residence.