środa, 26 maja 2010


* continuation
*-united europe ideas
*-union's targets
* -european community competencies
* -European uninon's first pillar
*-european union's second pillar
* -european union's third pillar
* -EU's institutions and bodies
* -community and eu law
* -eu law principles
* -eu geography
* -eu citizens
* -eu membership
* -short history of European integration
* -eu economy
*-europe's government
*-eu society
* -euro establishment
*-euro graphic sign
* -eu community law principles and eu functioning principle
*-eu membership countries and eu countries
* eu country whole area
* -who is the current chairman of parliament
* -who is the current chairman of Council of Europe
* -current chairman of commision
* -political centers
* -how common foreign and security politis operates
* -how cooperation operates in issues of law and police
*membership countries sovereignty

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