sobota, 29 maja 2010


7 February 1992 r. became signed treaty from Maastricht, on power which 1 November 1993 r. came into being European Union. it in Maastricht it was widened was the range of common economic policy and one worked out the schedule of introduction of union economically monetary. The foreign policy, policy was strengthened in range of internal safety and co-operation the safety as well as co-operation administrative the member's states formally.
Enlargement economic cohesion is the main aim of policy and social in European union. The more faintly developed regions and sectors of economies of the member's states across help were aimed to decrease in level of development and in level of life the differences in regions of UE.
The deficit of resources the expenses of UE be intended on refinancing the fields in which it steps out.
is the basis of common foreign policy and safety of UE "gentle strength ”: the use of diplomacy, in case of necessity supported with trade resources, and missions peaceful help, in aim of solution of conflicts and the bringing of to international agreement.


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