sobota, 29 maja 2010


European Union is the effect of many years' process of political, economic and social, integration she came into being 1 November 1993 year. It is then created on power of treaty the relationship of European states from Maastricht. European union consists with 27 member's states. The countries of European union have the together highest on world national product brutto. They Should be free, independent, sovereign and democratic European state can become the member of European Union. Union assures safety, stable economic growth, social development, say protection and citizen's freedom. Enlargement economic cohesion and social union is the main aim of policy European. It aims to decrease in level of development and life the differences across help more faintly the developed regions. They are the the most important organs of European Union: Glad European, the Advice of European Union, European Committee, European Parliament and Court of Justice Account.


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