piątek, 28 maja 2010


First of all, in this days young people should know something about The European Union or EU that is an international organisation of European states, established by the Treaty on European Union (the Maastricht treaty). The European Union is the most powerful regional organization in existence. At present, the European Union comprises 27 member states. European Union policies are divided into three main areas, called pillars. The first or 'Community' pillar concerns economic, social and environmental policies. The second or 'Common Foreign and Security Policy' (CFSP) pillar concerns foreign policy and military matters. The third or 'Justice and Home Affairs' (JHA) pillar concerns co-operation in the fight against crime. The three communities, and the three pillars possess a common institutional structure. The European Union has five institutions: European Parliament, European Commission, European Court of Justice (incorporating the Court of First Instance), Council of the European Union, European Court of Auditors.
Secondly young people should know something about political system in each country for example at present, seven monarchies are members of the European Union: Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. All seven monarchies in the European Union are constitutional monarchies, which means that the monarch does not influence the politics of the monarch's country. There are three types of government systems in European politics: in a presidential system, the president is the head of state and the head of government; in a semi-presidential system, the president and the prime minister share a number of competences; finally, in a parliamentary system, the president is a ceremonial figurehead who has few political competences. As with the definition of constitutional monarchies, sometimes the president does have non-ceremonial competences, but does not use them by constitutional convention; this is the case in Austria, for instance.
Thirdly and for me it is the most important thing young people should know something about Schengen Area system. The Schengen rules were absorbed into European Union (EU) law by the Amsterdam Treaty in 1999, although the area includes three non-EU member states: Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland. Since the implementation of the Schengen rules, border posts have been closed (and often entirely removed) between participating countries. The Schengen Borders Code requires participating states to remove all obstacles to free traffic flow at internal borders.Thus, road, rail and air passengers no longer have their identity checked by border guards when crossing borders (however, security controls by carriers are still permissible). So we can travel around all the europe without any obstacles meet new people and share with them our culture and history.

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