poniedziałek, 31 maja 2010


What an average European citizen should know about politics after completion of secondary school?

Our continent – Europe- is very various and politically colourful. However there are some points that should be common among education of average European citizen. Some elementary knowledge that should be obvious for every student after completion of secondary school.
First of all he or she should be aware of elementary historical background of European Union. When it was established, what were their first aims and which countries were founders of EU. Furthermore, the students should be thought something about basic political systems among European countries as the UE main institutions. Every single student has to be aware of his citizenship rights and freedoms. He should be aware how important is his participation in elections of representatives as on country as on EU level. They should be taught about basic rights that means freedom of travelling and freedom of expressing their own ideas.
Nonetheless, every student should have elementary knowledge about economical aspects of UE and importance of our cultural heritage and diversity. It would be good to preset also a importance of our common European future and the possible development of every single country within European Union. That means, among others, explanation of activities of EU institutions and our possible influence on their activities.
To sum up, every young European, should be aware of his citizenship in Europe, aware of his rights and freedoms as much as responsibilities in developing our continent trough participation in elections and every other possible activities. The future of Europe depends on how we realize that it lays in our hands.

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