poniedziałek, 31 maja 2010


What should an average European citizen in any given EU country know about politics when graduating from a secondary (high) school?
1. An average European citizen graduating from a secondary school should know that he or she lives in a free democratic country, Member State of the European Union, and he or she has a right to directly influence shape of politics by participating in direct elections.
2. Moreover, in my opinion, such a person should know basic facts of history of European Union – that it has formally come to existence on 1st of November 1993 on the strength of Maastricht Treaty, as a democratic economic and political union of democratic European states, resulting from many years’ process of political, economic and social integration launched after the Second World War, and that it is a unique form of this kind, having a 30% share in world’s GNP.
3. Such a person should know that the European Union constitutes a „special case” in history of international affairs; it is a being which has never before existed in world history and has been previously unknown in history of international affairs.
4. At the same time this person should know that the country in which he or she lives and resides, despite its membership in the EU, is a sovereign state with its own tradition, culture and internal policy. Such a person should also know shape of his or hers state policy and its organisational structures, as well as its political history.

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